Why are you implementing bus-priority lanes in Langley?

    The Fraser Highway is a key transit corridor with 3.5 million bus boardings annually and 13,000 on weekdays. Demand for bus service along this corridor is growing, along with delays, pass-ups and overcrowding.

    Ridership of the 502 route grew 12% in 2018; and the 502 and 503 combined average 21 pass-ups each day.

    To improve the speed and reliability of these routes, we’re increasing bus service as well as implementing street changes to give buses priority at points where buses experience the most delays.

    Where will the bus-priority lanes be located?

    The proposed bus-priority lanes are along three key stretches:

    • Fraser Highway westbound from 200 to 203 St
    • 203 Avenue northbound from Fraser Highway to Logan Ave
    • Logan Avenue eastbound from 203 St to Glover Rd

    Will this impact other vehicle traffic in this area?

    We will also be optimizing signal timings to deliver benefits to general traffic: travel time for cars is expected to improve by about 5%.

    Bus-priority lanes speed up buses and increase the people-carrying capacity of roadways.

    When will construction on the bus priority lanes begin?

    Construction will take place during the summer and fall of 2019. 

    Will these proposed changes impact street parking?

    At Fraser Highway and 203 Street, parking loss will be minimal with only approximately six of 27 parking spots being removed. Free off-street parking is available for customers at the affected businesses.

    Why are you making these changes if SkyTrain is being planned for Fraser Highway?

    Over the next few years, we are making major transit investments in Surrey and Langley as part of the Mayors’ 10-Year Vision. While we focus on extending SkyTrain on the Fraser Highway corridor, we’re increasing bus service as well as improving bus speed and reliability for routes that travel the Fraser Highway, including the 502 and 503.