Project Values

We’ve identified a set of values that help guide our work in determining a preferred route and stations for a potential SkyTrain extension.

  • Improve reliability and travel time
  • Provide a safe and secure service
  • Meet future ridership demand
  • Attract new riders
  • Better connect people to jobs, housing, recreation, and education
  • Support and integrate with existing and future land use and development
  • Expand local and regional economic opportunity
  • Minimize impacts to neighbourhoods
  • Minimize impacts to the natural environment
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)
  • Improve access to transit for low-income households

We want to hear from you

We want to know how important each of these values are to you in relation to the proposed SkyTrain extension to UBC.

Take the survey

Public engagement for the Millennium Line UBC Extension concluded on May 14, 2021. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.

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