Join Us for Transport 2050 Phase 2 Engagement!
We’re designing a strategy to shape the future of how we move and live. And we need your help!
Transport 2050 will be our new regional transportation strategy. It will lay out transportation improvements for the next 30 years – no matter how you move.
In summer of 2019, we launched our largest-ever public engagement to help create Transport 2050. We visited every part of the region and beyond to hear from the people who live, work, and play here.
You told us about your values, concerns, and priorities. We learned that you greatly value our region’s natural areas and parks, and neighbourhood access to shops and amenities. Your greatest concerns are housing affordability, road congestion, and climate change. And we learned that your top priority is transit expansion and improvement. What else did we learn? Check out the Phase 1 report or video.
From this input, we’ve envisioned a future where you have convenient, reliable, affordable, safe & comfortable, and carbon-free choices. These are the draft goals that we’re proposing in Phase 2 engagement. We want to know – are we on the right track?
And you also shared your bold and creative ideas for the future of transportation. Over 4,000 of them to be exact! We’re in the process of building a comprehensive strategy, with a full set of actions to improve transportation.
The focus of Phase 2 is to get your input on three actions, that could help transform the region. Together, they would support a better way of moving, and make big progress to reaching our goals. If you’d like more information on what we’re proposing, check out our discussion guide.
People-first streets that invite walking, biking, and rolling
Through the pandemic we’ve really come to value our space, and more cities are exploring how to make the streets safer for active transportation. What do you think about changing the way we use space in the region? Read the People-First Streets backgrounder!
Fast and frequent rapid transit that’s a competitive choice for most longer trips
Rapid transit gets you to where to want to go. Fast! We need your help in considering how to expand the region’s rapid transit network by several hundred kilometres. Read the Rapid Transit backgrounder!
Automated vehicles that provide convenient access to car trips, without adding to congestion.Yep, cars driven by computers. They’re coming. And they could make transportation safer, more efficient, and accessible. But if we don’t manage automated vehicles, we could clog up the streets. We need you to tell us if you support our vision for automated vehicles. Read the Automated Vehicles backgrounder!
Help shape the future of how we move and live. Take the survey.
Later on this year, we’ll show you the draft strategy, with a full list of actions. To ensure it reflects everything you’ve told us.
Phase 2 public engagement for Transport 2050 concluded on May 14, 2021. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.