Transport 2050 Proposes Big Rapid Transit and Bike Network Expansions!

Transport 2050 is our opportunity to think big and to imagine the kind of transportation future we want. As part of our largest-ever public engagement we heard you: you want more rapid transit, more ways to reach destinations outside the region, and convenient, safe, and connected cycling infrastructure.

Read on about two big pieces of Transport 2050: Fast and Reliable Transit Network, and the Major Bikeway Network, which will be part of the backbone of regional cycling connections.

Fast and Reliable Transit Network

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In Transport 2050, we’re proposing a new transit network, called the Fast & Reliable Transit Network. This network would include the current rapid transit network (100 kilometres with the Surrey-Langley and Arbutus SkyTrain extensions, all served by SkyTrain).

We would expand this network with approximately 300 more kilometres of rapid transit delivered primarily at street level.

The Fast & Reliable Network also includes new or upgraded Express and Interregional Services, to make it easy to cross the region or get to places outside of Metro Vancouver.

Major Bikeway Network

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As part of Transport 2050, we’re also proposing a Major Bikeway Network of approximately 850 kilometres, which builds on existing regional cycling networks, and connects urban centres and major destinations. Together, with the Regional Greenways Network, the Major Bikeway Network will be backbone of the region's future cycling network.

Making it safer, more comfortable, and more convenient to get around by bike.

Sustainable transportation, your choice!

Whether you want to transit, bike, or roll, we’ve got you covered. As part of Transport 2050 Phase 3, tell us what you think about these two networks. We’ll consider everything we’ve heard and work towards a final strategy early next year.

The T2050 Phase 3 engagement has concluded, and the survey is now closed. Thank you to all who provided input! 

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