Engagement Process

TransLink is leading the development of a new Regional Transportation Strategy called – Transport 2050. At the same time, Metro Vancouver is leading the development of Metro 2050, the updated regional growth strategy, and Climate 2050. This is a once in a generation opportunity to shape how we move and live.

Project Timeline

Phase 1 (May 3 – Sept. 22, 2019): Share values, concerns, priorities, and ideas

During Phase 1 engagement, TransLink worked with Metro Vancouver to understand the region’s values, concerns, priorities. We also asked people to share their bold and creative ideas for the future of transportation. From this input, we’re working to develop a new Regional Transportation Strategy.

What did we hear in Phase 1? See the report.

Phase 2 (April 19 – May 14, 2021): Consider goals and transformative actions

In Phase 2 engagement, we asked you to help imagine a region that looks different from what we know today. We asked for your input on new transportation goals, and three specific actions that could transform the region.

What did we hear in Phase 2? Read the report.

Phase 3 (October 12 – 29, 2021): Review draft strategy

Can you see your values, vision, and ideas reflected in Transport 2050?

In Phase 3, we’re sharing the comprehensive draft strategy - a shared blueprint that will help the region navigate the next 30 years of transportation. We will consider your input and refine the strategy based on what we heard.

Following Phase 3 engagement, TransLink will take the strategy to the Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation for approval in early 2022. From there, the region will start putting Transport 2050 into action!

Categories: background, rts

Consultation has concluded
