Burnaby Mountain Gondola: Phase 2 Public Engagement
Consultation has concluded
The second round of public engagement for the Burnaby Mountain Gondola project concluded on December 14, 2020. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.
TransLink is advancing the planning and project development of a gondola on Burnaby Mountain — a proposed transit option that would provide fast, frequent, and reliable service between the SkyTrain and Burnaby Mountain.
Currently, over 25,000 daily trips up Burnaby Mountain are made by SFU students, staff, faculty, and residents of UniverCity. During peak hours, existing bus service is at capacity, with TransLink customers frequently being passed by full buses.Continue reading
The second round of public engagement for the Burnaby Mountain Gondola project concluded on December 14, 2020. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.
TransLink is advancing the planning and project development of a gondola on Burnaby Mountain — a proposed transit option that would provide fast, frequent, and reliable service between the SkyTrain and Burnaby Mountain.
Currently, over 25,000 daily trips up Burnaby Mountain are made by SFU students, staff, faculty, and residents of UniverCity. During peak hours, existing bus service is at capacity, with TransLink customers frequently being passed by full buses. The delays are made worse in inclement weather, when buses have been known to stall in ice and snow. Combined, these challenges increase travel times up and down the mountain from 15 minutes to more than 30 minutes.
The 3S Gondola system has been identified by TransLink as the preferred technology to reduce travel times up and down Burnaby Mountain and meet future projected demand.
Phase One Engagement
From Tuesday, September 1 to Wednesday, September 30, 2020, TransLink provided information about three route options for the proposed Burnaby Mountain Gondola and sought feedback from the public and stakeholders. During this time, there was a total of 13,173 public and stakeholder interactions, including completed surveys, submissions via email and phone calls, and five community engagement sessions. For more details view the full Phase One Stakeholder and Public Engagement Summary Report.
For details about how we chose the three proposed gondola routes and the elements we considered as part of our design work, please view the TransLink Burnaby Mountain Gondola page.
CLOSED: The survey has concluded.
The second round of public engagement for the Burnaby Mountain Gondola project concluded on December 14, 2020. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.
Who's Listening?
Past Events
November 28 2020
December 01 2020
Planning Timeline
Pre-engagement (2020 to date)
Burnaby Mountain Gondola: Phase 2 Public Engagement has finished this stageListen to interests and concerns of stakeholders; do technical analysis to understand, avoid and mitigate possible impacts of route options.
Phase 1 Public Engagement (Sept. 1-30)
Burnaby Mountain Gondola: Phase 2 Public Engagement has finished this stageRequest input on criteria to assess route options; share information about the route options and urban gondolas, generally.
Phase 2 Public Engagement (Nov. 23 to Dec. 14)
Burnaby Mountain Gondola: Phase 2 Public Engagement has finished this stageShare route assessment results; provide updates on route options following more technical work.
Final Report (winter 2020)
Burnaby Mountain Gondola: Phase 2 Public Engagement is currently at this stageShare the final report with Burnaby Council and the Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation, including a route recommendation.
Investment Plan and Project Approval (early 2021)
this is an upcoming stage for Burnaby Mountain Gondola: Phase 2 Public EngagementFor the project to proceed it must be included in an Investment Plan approved by the TransLink Board and Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation.
Phase 2 Engagement Boards (3.09 MB) (pdf)
TransLink Burnaby Mountain Gondola Summary Report (9.59 MB) (pdf)
Top terminal walking map (765 KB) (pdf)
Preliminary Route Evaluation Report
Preliminary Route Evaluation Report (1.68 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 1 - Phase One Stakeholder and Public Engagement Summary Report (9.61 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 2 - Neighbourhood Considerations Analyses (6.79 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 3 - Environmental Considerations Analyses (7.57 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 4 - Safety Considerations (848 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Noise Memo (1.57 MB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Privacy Impact Analysis (3.44 MB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Privacy - Route 1 - Forest Grove Drive - Gaglardi Way (493 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Privacy - Route 1 - Forest Grove Elementary - Mountainside (536 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Privacy - Route 1 - Simon Fraser Village - Ran Beamish Place (696 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Privacy - Route 2 (619 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Privacy - Route 3 (624 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Visual Presence Analysis (901 KB) (pdf)
Historical Timeline
2009: Initial Gondola Feasibility Study
2011: Initial TransLink Business Case
2013: Regional Transportation Strategy
2014 & 2016: 10 Year Vision & Phase 1 of the Vision
2018: Feasibility Study
2019: Burnaby Staff Report on Gondola
2020: Burnaby Mountain Gondola Planning