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BRT Phase 2: Public Engagement Survey

Have your say!

Take the 2-minute survey today and provide your feedback. Survey closes on Sunday, February 9. 

For more information, please visit the BRT program page.

0% answered

PART 1: BRT Program Questions


Prior to today, how familiar were you with plans for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Metro Vancouver?

* required

Weather-protected stations were identified as a top priority. Which features would you most prioritize for weather-protected stations along Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes?  

Please rank your top three choices from the options below.

* required

Real-time information displays were identified as a top priority. What information is most important to you while waiting in a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) station? 

Please rank your top three choices from the options below.

* required

To what extent do you believe Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) would improve transportation in your community?

* required

Do you have any additional feedback on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Metro Vancouver?

* required
Do not enter your personal identifying information or personal information about others in your reply.