Past Projects

Steveston Bus Exchange Engagement

Mar. 1, 2024

TransLink and the City of Richmond have heard concerns from residents and businesses about the current bus circulation, and bus stop and layover locations iSteveston Village.

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Route 23 - Service Improvements

Nov. 27, 2023

In partnership with the City of Vancouver, TransLink has identified proposed changes that will reduce overcrowding and pass-ups on route 23 by allowing 40-foot buses to serve the route. 

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Burnaby Mountain Gondola - Business Case Public Engagement 

Nov. 6, 2023

The Burnaby Mountain Gondola would provide a fast, frequent, and reliable service between the SkyTrain and Burnaby Mountain. 

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Burrard Peninsula Area Transport Plan

Oct. 10, 2023

The Burrard Peninsula Area Transport Plan (BP-ATP) will identify and prioritize recommended actions related to transit, cycling, walking, driving, and goods movement for the transportation network within the Burrard Peninsula. 

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Bus Stop Balancing

March 29, 2022

We balanced the bus stop spacing on Route 4 UBC/Powell and Route 7 Dunbar/Nanaimo to improve travel times and reliability.

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Transport 2050 | Phase 3

Oct. 12, 2021

After three years of development, two rounds of public engagement, hundreds of events, and 40,000 survey and idea submissions, the Transport 2050 draft strategy has arrived! We’re now considering what we heard in phase 3 to help us refine the strategy. In early 2022, the final Transport 2050 strategy will be shared with the Mayors’ Council for adoption.

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Your Ideas for Customer Experience

July 15, 2021

We want you to submit your boldest and best ideas on transit information, technology, customer amenities, and facilities to make your experience even better now and for years to come.

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Millennium Line UBC Extension

April 19, 2021

From April 19 to May 14, 2021, we shared information about a potential Millennium Line UBC Extension and seeking feedback about key topics. Project values to better understand priorities, opportunities, and considerations regarding a potential SkyTrain extension to UBC, and also the criteria to help assess potential route and station location options

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Transport 2050 | Phase 2

April 19, 2021

TransLink is leading the development of Transport 2050, the region’s next 30-year transportation strategy. This strategy will shape the future of how we move and live, covering all modes of transportation. As part of our largest-ever public engagement in Phase 1, you shared your values, concerns, priorities, and ideas for the future. In Phase 2, we asked you about draft goals and three actions that could transform the region: people-first streets, rapid transit, and automated vehicles. Later this year, we’ll report back on what we heard.

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HandyDART Modernization Program

March 29, 2021

The HandyDART Modernization Program is a package of updates that would improve the customer experience from start to finish — including how people register, how they book their trips, and how they pay for the service. These improvements would allow for increased flexibility and the ability to make more spontaneous trips.

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Printed Timetables

Dec. 11, 2020

Like many businesses across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to re-think and re-evaluate how and why we do things. During this time, one of the changes we’ve had to make has been to temporarily suspend the printing and distributing of our timetable books. We recognize that there may be a number of customers who still require printed timetables, and we want to work with those individuals during this time to ensure they are not negatively impacted. 

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Burnaby Mountain Gondola  Phase 2 Engagement 

Nov. 15, 2020

TransLink is advancing the planning and project development of a gondola on Burnaby Mountain — a proposed transit option that would provide fast, frequent, and reliable service between the SkyTrain and Burnaby Mountain. In this engagement, the public had their say on the proposed Burnaby gondola and route options. 

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TransLink Website Feedback 

Oct. 29, 2020

Thanks for visiting our new website and providing your feedback. We’ll use your thoughts and feedback as we continue to iterate and develop the website.

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Capstan Station Engagement 

Nov. 16, 2020

TransLink is working with the City of Richmond on the design of a new station on Canada Line. The future Capstan Station will be built near No. 3 Road and Capstan Way.

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Burnaby Mountain Gondola  Phase 1 Engagement 

Aug. 31, 2020

We continue to plan for a gondola linking SkyTrain to Burnaby Mountain that would provide a fast, frequent, and reliable service for the 25,000 daily trips made by SFU students, staff, faculty, and residents of UniverCity. Gondolas are safe, smart and cost-effective and they provide commuters with an environmentally friendly mode of transit that runs on electricity helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Transport 2050

Nov. 26, 2019

TransLink is leading the development of a new Regional Transportation Strategy, called Transport 2050. At the same time, Metro Vancouver is developing Metro 2050, an updated regional growth strategy. Together, these strategies will shape our region over the next 30 years.

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New TransLink Website

Oct. 26, 2019 

Thank you for visiting our new responsive website. We will continuously release additional features and functionality and we want to hear from you as we go.

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Langley Transit Priorities

June 3, 2019

Over the next few years, we are making major transit investments in Surrey and Langley as part of the Mayors’ 10-Year Vision(External link). While we focus on extending SkyTrain on the Fraser Highway corridor, we’re increasing bus service as well as improving bus speed and reliability for routes that travel the Fraser Highway, including the 502 and 503.

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