COVID-19 Transit Safety

Consultation has concluded

Testing copper on our transit system

In late 2020, TransLink became the first transit system in North America to test copper products for their ability to fight bacteria on high-touch surfaces. In September 2021, we launched Phase 2 of the pilot project with our partners, which will run for one full year. Follow this page to learn more.

Testing copper on our transit system

In late 2020, TransLink became the first transit system in North America to test copper products for their ability to fight bacteria on high-touch surfaces. In September 2021, we launched Phase 2 of the pilot project with our partners, which will run for one full year. Follow this page to learn more.

Consultation has concluded

Do you have any questions about TransLink's operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic or about our Copper Pilot? Please ask below! We'll share questions and answers publicly if we feel they contain useful information for all customers.

  • Why aren't all TransLink employees aren't wearing masks?

    over 4 years ago

    We have distributed masks to all of our SkyTrain attendants and encourage wearing a mask or face covering where physical distancing is not possible. In terms of our Bus Operators, they are all now sitting behind protection barriers so they are separated from direct contact with other people

  • Why is TransLink not making masks mandatory for customers using transit?

    over 4 years ago

    Due to the challenges surrounding enforcement, TransLink is starting with the promotion of mask use. As part of TransLink’s Safe Operating Action Plan, we are strongly recommending customers use a mask or face covering as physical distancing is not always possible on transit. This is consistent with BC’s general approach to mask and face covering use. We are monitoring the landscape and all aspects of the Safe Operating Action Plan are always under review.

  • Why is social distancing not being enforced on SkyTrain?

    over 4 years ago

    We will not be moving forward with blocking seats on SkyTrain as we did on buses, reason being that unfortunately blocking seats on SkyTrain will not have the same effect at promoting physical distancing. Previously on a bus, the driver would stop picking up additional customers once the open seats were all full whereas SkyTrain is automated and stops at every station. There is nothing preventing customers from getting on and off. If SkyTrain seats are blocked off, the same number of people will board and stand in the aisles instead, preventing physical distancing. Although Expo and Millennium Line have returned to pre-COVID levels, Public Health officials acknowledge that physical distancing will not always be possible on transit.